
Introduction to Sociology
Sociology is one of the young but intellectually rich analytical social sciences. Sociology is about social relations, network, family, club, group, and marriage, cultures and so on of modern societies and numerous rules and procedures that govern these societies. This is an introductory course in sociology which familiarizes students with key concepts of sociology, theories, and different theoretical perspectives within the discipline. This will be a 3-credit course i.e. of 42 hours duration. This course can be taken by students from any discipline as a non-major area course and there is no prerequisite to take the course. This course is compulsory for students who wish to do a minor in sociology.
Course Learning Outcomes:
Critically explain the historical context in which sociology as a social science emerged as a separate discipline.
Communicate with the processes in which people become members of society.
Differentiate between/among different types of society and will also be able to critically analyze why social behavior vary from society to society.
Explain many of the social problems using sociological concepts and theories.
Enhance global thinking abilities on human behavior from the sociological perspective thereby observing those features, which are common to all cultures, and be able to assess them in the context of their own unique setting.
Identify from the sociological perspective, those factors in society which contribute to social change, and recognize sound sociological research procedures when presented in an experimental framework.
Course Policies:
Class Policy
• Active participation in class discussions is expected and encouraged. In addition to the above, any student missing 4 or more consecutive classes without authorization will automatically receive a 1, and may be at risk of being barred from attending the final exam.
• The instructor reserves the right to make any necessary (announced) changes to the grading scheme or to the syllabus. The midterm examination date will be announced in class. The final examination will be held as per the Brac University schedule.
• Requests for academic accommodations are to be made during the first three weeks of the semester, except for unusual circumstances, so arrangements can be made. Students are encouraged to register with Student Disability Services to verify their eligibility for appropriate accommodations.
Academic Integrity
Each student in this course is expected to abide by the BRAC University Code of Academic Integrity. Any work submitted by a student in this course for academic credit will be the student's own work. Copying from another student or copying from published, unpublished or electronic sources without appropriate citations or quotations is plagiarism. If there is evidence of plagiarism, ALL students involved will automatically receive a zero grade. The penalty for violation of this code can also be extended to include failure of the course and University disciplinary action.
Late submissions and examinations
No late submissions or make-up examinations will be accepted or arranged except for extreme circumstances, conditional on appropriate documentation.