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Corporate Financial Strategy
Enrollment is Closed

This course focuses on advance concepts of Financial Management and relevant corporate financial strategies and modeling. Special emphasis is given on integration of these concepts, strategies and models into a total systems approach - for rewarding financial decision-making, in a global context. In addition to the most essential short- and long-term investment and financing decisions, the course emphasizes strategic issues of financial planning, corporate valuation and restructuring, risk management, corporate governance and ethics.
Enrollment is Closed

About This Course

This course focuses on advance concepts of Financial Management and relevant corporate financial strategies and modeling. Special emphasis is given on integration of these concepts, strategies and models into a total systems approach - for rewarding financial decision-making, in a global context. In addition to the most essential short- and long-term investment and financing decisions, the course emphasizes strategic issues of financial planning, corporate valuation and restructuring, risk management, corporate governance and ethics.

Learning Objectives

1. To learn advanced concepts, applications and practices in the area of Financial Management and Corporate Financial Strategies;
2. To acquire analytical and computational skills necessary to face the challenges in the world of Corporate Finance – using mathematical and statistical formulas, financial calculator, Excel and other software packages; and
3. To develop problem-solving and decision-making abilities for effective financial management of corporations, in the local and global contexts, in an ethical manner.

Intended Learning Outcomes

At the end of the course, the students should be able to:

1. Demonstrate familiarity with and understanding of objectives of sound financial management; risk-return trade-off; financial analysis and planning; corporate valuation and restructuring; advance topics of working capital management, capital budgeting, cost of capital, capital structure and dividend policy – in a multinational setting; risk management and ethical corporate governance.
2. Compute EVA and MVA and asses corporate financial performance using DuPont framework.
3. Forecast financial statements and use AFN formula for financial forecasting and planning.
4. Apply advanced techniques for capital budgeting techniques to evaluate investment decisions and cost of capital calculations to evaluate financing decisions - in a multinational setting.
5. Identify, assess and manage corporate financial risk.


Prerequisite Course: Financial Management (FIN501)

Course Instructors

M Mujibul Haque

Brac Business School

M Mujibul Haque joined Brac Business School (BBS) as a Professor of Finance and Associate Dean of Academics in May 2019. Previously, he has enjoyed his academic experiences at KIMEP and KBTU in Kazakhstan; Wichita State University and Texas Tech University in the USA; and North South University in Bangladesh. Prior to full-time teaching, he obtained MS and PhD degrees in Business Administration (with Finance specializations) from Texas Tech University, USA; and MBA degree (with Marketing specialization) from the Institute of Business Administration (IBA), University of Dhaka, Bangladesh.

Enrollment is Closed