
Discourse Analysis
Enrollment is Closed
This course introduces students to key concepts of Discourse Analysis and Pragmatics. The course focuses on how English language is used in different contexts and disciplines. The students will be introduced to various linguistic models for analysing a body of text. They will be analysing some real-life conversations as well that would allow them to apply the theories of discourse analysis and pragmatics practically. Such practical application will be helpful for them to analyse conversations in real-life contexts.
II. Course Aims and Outcomes:
• To understand the main theoretical issues and score of discourse analysis and be able to apply the theory into practice.
• To be able to know the differences between spoken and written text
• To be able to analyse different types of texts
• To be able to apply models or approaches of discourse analysis
• To familiarise students with classroom discourse analysis
III. Format and Procedures:
To complete this course successfully, you must attend class, complete all assignments on time, prepare for class; and participate in class activities and discussions. To receive full credit, all quizzes, presentations and assignments must be submitted on time, in the proper format, and with the required supporting materials. Late essays will receive a grade reduction of ten points per day unless you have arranged with me in advance. If you have a question about my comments or a grade you have received, please talk to me about it during my consultation hours.
IV. My Stance: Each week’s reading and written assignments are given on the last page of the syllabus. Please verify that you have all of the texts, all of the pages, and know what is due on each day of class. Most of our work will involve class discussion. Entering the classroom after the lecture or discussion is both disruptive and disrespectful to the learning community. Please be considerate and make every effort to arrive in a timely manner.
V. Course Requirements:
1. Class attendance and participation policy:
Regular attendance is critical to the learning process and your success in this class. If you have to be absent, you have to inform your instructor well ahead with a valid reason. Regular attendance will be taken. If you must be absent, it is your responsibility to find out what you’ve missed in class. No attendance will be given if you enter the class after 5 minutes.
Class attendance will be recorded according to University’s attendance policy. In a 13-week semester, students attending 11 and more classes will be given full score (5 marks), and no student attending less than 8 classes will be allowed to sit for the final examination.
Please note that, as per the decision of the Board of Trustees, make-up examinations will only be allowed to the students with extreme medical condition OR death in the immediate family during the semester.
2. Recommended Course Readings:
Brown, G and Yule, G. (1983). Discourse Analysis. CUP.
Coulthard, M. (1985). An Introduction to Discourse Analysis (2nd edition) Longman
Cutting, J. (2003). Pragmatics and Discourse. Routledge.
Levinson, S. (1983). Pragmatics. CUP
Johnstone, B.(2008). Discourse Analysis (2nd Edition). Oxford: Blackwell Publishing.
VI. Grade Distribution:
Attendance: 5%
Practice tasks 10%
Presentation 1 10%
Presentation 2 15%
Midterm Mini research Paper 20%
Final Research Paper 40%
VII. Academic Integrity:
It is expected that BRAC University students will understand and adhere to the concept of academic honesty. Students assume responsibility for their work and that materials submitted in fulfillment of the course, program, and college academic requirements must represent students’ own efforts.
Plagiarism is copying, without giving credit to someone else’s words, work or ideas.
In the case of cheating, plagiarism or submitting another student’s work, the paper and unit earn a zero. Any further cheating, plagiarism or collusion will result in failing the course.
VIII. Accommodations for students with disabilities
I am available to discuss appropriate academic accommodations that may be required for students with disabilities. Requests for academic accommodations are to be made during the first three weeks of the semester, except for unusual circumstances, so arrangements can be made.