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Digital Logic Design -test course
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This is the basic course to learn digital logic design. If you are interested to design your own digital system then you must take Digital Logic Design as a prerequisite, where fundamentals of designing digital combinational and sequential logic circuits are introduced.
Enrollment is Closed

Course General Information

Course Code: EEE283

Course Name: Digital Logic Design

Credit Hours (Theory + Laboratory): 3 + 1

Contact Hours (Theory + Laboratory): 3 + 3 Hrs

Category: Program Core

Type: Required, Engineering, Lecture + Laboratory

Prerequisites: EEE 205 Electronic Devices and Circuit I

Course Content:

Different types of number systems, their representation, conversion and mathematical operation. Codes: BCD, alphanumeric, gray and excess-3. Digital logic: Boolean algebra, De Morgan's laws. Logic minimization. Logic gates and their truth tables. Basic logic gates in CMOS: DC characteristics, noise margin and power dissipation. Modular combinational circuit design: pass gates, multiplexer, de-multiplexer, encoder, decoder and comparators. Arithmetic logic circuit design: Half adder, full adder, half subtractor, full subtractor. Sequential circuits: Different types of latches, flip-flops and their design using ASM approach, timing analysis and power optimization of sequential circuits. Modular sequential logic circuit design: shift registers, counters and their applications. Synthesis of digital circuits using Hardware Description Language (HDL).

Course Objetives:

The objectives of this course are to:

a)Introduce the concepts and terminology of digital logic design to create circuits to solve problems using gates to replicate all logic functions

b) Introduce theorems and properties of Boolean algebra and simplification techniques including Karnaugh Map to reduce Boolean expressions and logic circuits to their simplest forms

c) Prepare students to design and implement combinational and sequential circuits

d) Exposed students in designing and evaluating solutions for complex digital system design problem

Course Outcomes:

Upon successful completion of this course, students will be able to:

[CO1] Apply the concept of digital logic design to solve the problem using gates to replicate all logic functions

[CO2] Analyze combinational and sequential circuits built with various flip-flops, registers, counters with hardware description languages

[CO3] Design combinational and sequential circuits built with various flip-flops, registers, counters with hardware description languages

[CO4] Use simulation tool (e.g. Proteus) to construct combinational and sequential circuits in schematic level

[CO5] Perform as an individual or in a team to design and build combinational and sequential circuits through lab work

Meet your instructor

Prof. Arshad M Chowdhury

Arshad M Chowdhury

20+ years of teaching and reserach experience

Enrollment is Closed