Ishty Sifat Islam
Biography of instructor/staff member #1
This is the first course in Microeconomics for students of Economics. This course is also required for Business students as an introduction to Microeconomics. Students from other departments also enroll in this course as a part of their GED requirements. The aim of the course is to provide a non-technical introduction to the basic microeconomic theory. We will cover some of the basic, foundational topics in microeconomics, including concepts of scarcity, choice, and opportunity cost; laws of demand and supply; market equilibrium; different types of elasticity; competitive markets; government interventions; etc.
Before or soon after enrolling for the course, please check out the introductory video which discusses some important information about this course and the semester that you will need to know.
Biography of instructor/staff member #1
Biography of instructor/staff member #2
Biography of instructor/staff member #3
Biography of instructor/staff member #4
Ahsan Senan is a Lecturer of Economics from Brac University.
Biography of instructor/staff member #6